CPD Courses


See the latest International Associations CPD courses from the International industry

Showing 48 of 614 results

International Associations

Economy of the Reproductive Failure in Cattle Farm...


The seminar focuses on the economic impact of BoHV-1 and BVDV virus infection in cattle operations
International Associations

Bacterial BRD: Mannheimiosis and Histophilosis in...


This seminar seeks to update the knowledge of vets regarding pathogenesis; detection; diagnosis and...
International Associations

Biosaline Agriculture as an Approach to Land Resto...

International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

This course provides a set of comprehensive modules on land restoration in marginal environments thr...
Online Course
International Associations

IBR Control: Challenges and Perspectives


Pathogenesis and clinical signs of cattle infection with BoHV1 will be reviewed. This seminar will h...
International Associations

Looking After Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Childre...

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

The UN Migration Agency - IOM (UK) has been commissioned by the North East Strategic Migration Partn...
Training Course
International Associations

TEO (Trade Show Engagement Optimisation ) Mastercl...

Expo Stars Interactive

TEO (Trade Show Engagement Optimisation) is our tried and tested framework for exhibition success th...
International Associations

Vascular Access Management

The Compass Health Consultancy

This one-day workshop is designed to help nurses in clinical settings gain didactic and practical ex...
Training Course
International Associations

Post Graduate Certificate in Compliance and Inform...

Jamaica Stock Exchange

The aim of this module is to develop and extend understanding of the concepts of management of risk...
Online Course
International Associations

AZ Professional Program ``Advanced Selling Skills`...

Talent Zone

Why do we need AZ Professional Program ``Advanced Selling Skills`` in the pharmaceuticals & medical...
Training Course
International Associations

Post Graduate Certificate in Compliance and Inform...

Jamaica Stock Exchange

This course examines subsets of financial crime – money laundering; terrorist financing; fraud and b...
Online Course
International Associations

Coaching & Management

Talent Zone

Why do we need the (coaching & management) course for sales supervisors; team leaders & 1st line man...
Training Course
International Associations

Certified Train the Trainer

International Management Consultancy

In the "Certified Train the Trainer" course; participants master effective instructional design; exp...
Training Course
International Associations

Post Graduate Certificate in Compliance and Inform...

Jamaica Stock Exchange

In this course you will develop a critical understanding of the laws relating to data protection in...
Online Course
International Associations

Certified Enterprise Risk Management Practitioner...

Global Risk Clinic Aps

The ‘Certified Enterprise Risk Management Practitioner’ executive course is designed to provide atte...
Training Course
International Associations

High Risk Security Training

Healix International

This course seeks to equip your individuals with the tools to carry out trips; assignments and reloc...
Training Course
International Associations

Compliance Investment

Jamaica Stock Exchange

The JSE e-Campus Professional Certificate in Investment Compliance is designed for compliance profes...
Training Course
International Associations

Post Graduate Certificate in Compliance and Inform...

Jamaica Stock Exchange

This course will significantly provide an opportunity for students to learn about the information go...
Online Course
International Associations

Mechanically Engineered Solutions Professional (ME...


The Engineering Development Program (EDP) is designed to provide engineers and professionals with an...
Training Course
International Associations

Disruptive Thinking in the Classroom


If we are to develop students who think disruptively: we must examine and reflect on our current tea...
Online Course
International Associations

Introduction to Diversity; Equity and Inclusion (D...


This training provides an overview of key concepts in Diversity; Equity; and Inclusion (DEI) and int...
Training Course
International Associations

Risk Assessment

Safety Bee Training

Risk Assessment is suitable for employees involved in managing risks within the workplace. It is des...
Online Course
International Associations

Enabling Children to Behave Positively


Minor behaviour issues are part of normal child development; often these are embedded because of the...
Online Course
International Associations

Cryptocurrency Masterclass


This course provides a comprehensive introduction to blockchain and cryptocurrency allowing you to e...
Online Course
International Associations

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) and C...

Complere Consulting

A high-level overview of FATCA and CRS; including detailed due diligence and reporting requirements....
International Associations

The professional Al Fasd Bloodletting Therapy Dipl...

Healing Touch Academy

Al-Fasd Therapy is an ancient practice of removing blood from patient to help of curing some disease...
Online Course
International Associations

Life Skills by Design


The world that awaits our students will require skills beyond those found in a text book. Let's give...
Online Course
International Associations

E-learning course on “Farm Waste Management in Mar...

International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

The course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the concept of farm waste ma...
Online Course
International Associations

Introduction to Capital Markets

FMDQ Securities Exchange

The Introduction to Capital Markets course provides a comprehensive understanding of the key concept...
Online Course
International Associations

Below Ground Waterproofing


Informative training content about the proven methods based on Swiss innovation and engineering of B...
Training Course
International Associations

Modelling in mathematics using GIFs


Looking at why modelling is important we explore the benefits to levelling up our modelling game. We...
Online Course
International Associations

Read Alouds: Multiple Teaching Opportunities


In this course youÂ’ll reflect on the power of daily teacher read alouds to develop a community of le...
Online Course
International Associations

Reading Difficulty Power Tools


In this course you will learn about word frequency: how to quickly find words that need pre-teaching...
Online Course
International Associations

Alternative Crops for Degraded Lands in the UAE

International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

This course targets learners whose desire is to know about the limitations;stresses;and opportunitie...
Online Course
International Associations

Advanced Safeguarding and Child Protection


Presented by Daniel Boyd : the advanced safeguarding and child protection course offers detailed inf...
Training Course
International Associations

Slowing Down and Enjoying Life – The Awe and Wonde...


If we want a child to enjoy their childhood and be able to access the awe and wonder of the world ar...
Online Course
International Associations

ISO 31000:2018- Advanced Certificate

ABAC Center of Excellence

Improving your and/or your teamÂ’s skills in implementing ISO 31000 Risk Management will help organis...
Training Course
International Associations

Inclusive Teaching Assistant Training


The use of teaching assistants has increased 50 times over the last 50 years: yet training for assis...
Online Course
International Associations

The Magic Of Thinking


The Magic of Thinking answers four key questions; Why is learning how to think so important? How do...
Online Course
International Associations

Genius Matters


Not only do you have unique value: but you are able to inspire and help each of your students discov...
Online Course
International Associations

Work Less Teach More


The course to help you get your life back while still teaching like a rockstar.
Online Course
International Associations

Building a travel risk management programme fit fo...

International SOS Foundation

This training course was designed to provide individuals responsible for; or part of their organisat...
Training Course
International Associations

Google For Education Fundamentals


This course offers a deep dive into everything you need to start using Google for Education to help...
Online Course
International Associations

Team Preparation Training


To provide a range of considerations for teams integrating peer support workers into their service a...
International Associations

An Overview Of Undifferentiated Fever/Bovine Respi...


This training course attempts to provide a better understanding of the undifferentiated fever bovine...
Training Course
International Associations

Network Communications Programme

Radius Networks

Our Network Communications Programme is especially for ERGs. Whether you’re a BRG Communications Lea...
Online Course
International Associations

Speed Reading Course

Mental Sea Academy

This Speed Reading Course qualifies participants to enhance reading speed and comprehension through...
Training Course
International Associations

Mastitis In Small Ruminants


This training course will provide participants with an overall idea about the disease in terms of et...
Training Course
International Associations

Implementing the IPC (level 1)

Fieldwork Education

This course is perfect for schools or teachers who are at the beginning stages of their implementati...
Online Course