Connect2 Consulting

Connect2 Consulting

Connect2 Consulting Limited is a UK based Consulting company delivering client specific solutions. We offer an impressive portfolio of professional consulting services across the fields of Resilience, Preparedness, Emergency Response, Business Continuity Planning, Training and Exercising, all of which are completely customisable for your business. Whatever your needs may be, we can make it happen.

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CPD Courses & Workshops


Incident Management and Interoperability Training...

Connect2 Consulting

Designed to provide the delegate with knowledge of interoperability tools and how to apply these to...
Training Course

Interoperability Training

Connect2 Consulting

This training course delivers the tools and techniques for overcoming the challenges and barriers wh...
Training Course

Defensible Decision Making

Connect2 Consulting

This training course discusses the considerations and tools to be employed during defensible decisio...
Training Course

Decision Loggist

Connect2 Consulting

This training course highlights the best practice techniques to be used by incident loggist when com...
Training Course

CPD Subsectors

Business Consultancy
Business Support
Corporate Training