The UKRPA is a trade association open to companies involved in detecting and dealing with meter tampering and illegal abstraction of electricity and gas. A workshop is taking place on Thursday 20th January 2022 which will focus on the challenges and experiences of Revenue Protection Units regarding EV charge points; including: Current industry and government position on EV charging; How and why EV charge points might be tampered with; Case studies; How the industry should seek to recover/calculate losses in respect to tampering on EV charge points; and How vulnerability should be considered in respect to transport.
CPD Provider
United Kingdom Revenue Protection Association - UKRPA
United Kingdom Revenue Protection Association - UKRPA
The UKRPA is a trade association open to companies involved in detecting and dealing with meter tampering and illegal abstraction of electricity and gas (generically known as Revenue Protection – RP) and providers of products and services to those companies. The UKRPA:
-Provides a Forum for exchange of information and discussion of matters of common interest related to Revenue Protection (RP) in order to benefit business activities
-Nominates representatives to represent interests on relevant groups discussing the development of the competitive market
-Acts as an interface to other representative organisations with an indirect interest in RP
-Promotes publicity and agreed activities in the collective interests of members, including an occasional national conference and promotes development, where practicable, of a common approach to issues of Training, Operating Procedures, Technical Developments and Liaison with Suppliers and other utility sectors.