About the CPD course
This challenging; lively & interactive two-day training course was developed through Atrainability’s relationship with the NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement; and is influenced by the NHS Leadership Framework Stages 1 and 2. It has been specifically designed to support all healthcare professionals keen to develop essential leadership skills; with particular focus on safe performance. It offers an engaging mix of topics; group exercises &case studies and will ensure participants feel more equipped to deal with the daily challenges of working in healthcare.
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Atrainability is recognised as one of the leading providers of in-house Human Factors Training for critical teams. We have worked extensively with the NHS since 2002 and have been at the heart of National programmes, research projects and academic papers. Our expert trainers are experienced across a range of high reliability professions - including civil and military aviation. As a result our team can offer unique perspectives to help your team apply practical behavioural skills to maintain and enhance safety.
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