Built-up walls: Construction and specification (PR2)
Online Course
Centre for Window and Cladding Technology
About the CPD course
Built-up walls are a layered form of facade construction typically comprising a structural back wall and a rainscreen or insulated render cladding. The course covers performance requirements: testing: supply chains: design responsibility and installation quality. This course will identify key British: European and CWCT standards and guides relevant to these issues.
We are an industry funded Centre based in the City of Bath and set industry standards and publish both standards and guidance.
The Cladding Forum, our members-only area, contains resources, documents and advice for the Centre's members.
CWCT, through its members, is able to provide a wide range of advice to the whole construction industry on a consultancy basis.
As an information provider, including as publisher of standards and guidance, CWCT seeks to assist its members, in their work in the field of building envelopes and glazing.