Built-up walls: Thermal and moisture performance (C107)
Online Course
Centre for Window and Cladding Technology
About the CPD course
Built-up walls are a layered form of facade construction typically comprising a structural back wall and a rain screen or insulated render cladding. This course discusses various aspects of thermal performance and condensation risk: and identifies key British: European and CWCT standards and guides relevant to these issues.. This course has a significant engineering content.
We are an industry funded Centre based in the City of Bath and set industry standards and publish both standards and guidance.
The Cladding Forum, our members-only area, contains resources, documents and advice for the Centre's members.
CWCT, through its members, is able to provide a wide range of advice to the whole construction industry on a consultancy basis.
As an information provider, including as publisher of standards and guidance, CWCT seeks to assist its members, in their work in the field of building envelopes and glazing.