About the CPD course
This multilingual equality and diversity training course provides clear explanations of the legislations and key terms and its impact on business. It uses scenarios and questions to help learners understand how they can positively affect culture; communication and inclusion. UK companies are legally required to comply with procedures to ensure that discrimination is eliminated and equality expectations are met. This training helps meet this requirement and ensures that an inclusive and fair working environment exists and that no form of perceived difference is an obstacle in career potential and progression.
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Hot Learning trading as Kallidus
Kallidus exists to help you unlock the potential of your workforce, and see your business flourish as a result. For over 20 years we’ve been putting you in control of your learning, with a choice of interactive, bespoke and affordable courses that make eLearning more effective than ever before. Our combination of engaging courses, innovative technology and ongoing support has been designed to deliver eLearning success on a whole new level.
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