This course is primarily aimed at covering the basics of in-premise water systems using diagrams; photographs; case studies and relevant independent publications in order to understand the risks that water can pose to vulnerable users in the built environment. The materials are developed to provide a clear overview of the main concepts and insights on how to apply that learning to prevent; investigate and remediate issues arising. The subject matter is a balance of engineering; microbiological and water hygiene information.
Harper Water Management Group formed in 2021 and seeks to change the recipe of traditional water consultancy by providing a comprehensive multidisciplinary team approach to supporting their clients in taking the necessary and prioritised steps to improving both their water system and water quality, thus reducing contamination and surpassing compliance with relevant guidance. Being independent, Harper Water Management Group are not affiliated to any chemical or physical disinfection provider and, therefore, the team delivers impartial advice alongside evidence based and prioritized actions which enables a faster and more sustainable route to successful outcomes.