CPD Courses

Preoperative Assessment; A Competency Based training Course. A face-to face training course.

Training Course JJ Consulting Solutions

About the CPD course

The course will provide the underpinning knowledge required to perform the role of the Preoperative Assessor effectively and safely. The course will empower the trainee to develop relevant clinical knowledge and skills to be effective within the Preoperative service including history taking; Cardio-vascular disease; Respiratory disease; Neck and Airway assessment and chest auscultation. The trainee will at the end of the course identify when appropriate to include the interprofessional team. Through competency and practical sessions during the course; the trainee will reflect on current levels of performance and identify ongoing learning needs.

CPD Provider

JJ Consulting Solutions

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JJ Consulting Solutions

Healthcare Education and Training. Based in the United Kingdom.

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