About the CPD course
Local highways maintenance incentive fund. Surveying roads: moving away from the status quo. The importance of active travel. Members of the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) are given the opportunity to ask the Department for Transport (DfT) anything as part of an exclusive webinar series. The quarterly webinar series entitled #AsktheDfT bring together a panel of experts to answer questions which are focused around key topic areas. LCRIG invites members to submit questions in advance of each event and those that are chosen are put to the experts. Audience members are given the opportunity to ask the questions themselves as well as follow up. This allows for interactive and engaging sessions with local authorities and the supply chain hearing first-hand from the DfT.
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Local Council Roads Innovation Group
The Local Councils Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) was established to bring together councils from across the UK to discuss common challenges, share best practice and support each other as they respond to the challenges of managing their highways.
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Winter services operations play an important role in ensuring that highway networks are safe and ava...
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With a £1.3bn fund allocated to the rollout of public EV charge points the installation of this infr...
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Local Council Roads Innovation Group
Understanding the challenge. The materials challenge. Disrupting our way to net zero. With the roads...
Transforming road markings
Local Council Roads Innovation Group
Local authorities were given the opportunity to find out more about a project that was carried out b...
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