CPD Courses

UpskillMe Training Programme

Online Course LEVRA

About the CPD course

The LEVRA UpskillMe Programme provides apprentices; trainees; graduates and young adults with the Human Skills (or social skills) they need to succeed at work. LEVRA focuses on 7 core Human Skills namely Communication; Teamwork; Time Management; Decision-making; Leadership; Emotional Intelligence and Self-Management. Employees learn these critical Human Skills through bitesize immersive learning experiences delivered through our LEVRA Learn Portal (which can be embedded into an organisations LMS) and virtual reality (VR) workplace scenarios. LEVRA psychometric assessment measures each learner's Human Skills baseline ability and how this develops over time proving the ROI for the firms that we work with.

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LEVRA coaches Human Skills in the workplace using innovative technologies including virtual reality (VR). LEVRA was launched by Emily and Bartek in 2022 to build capabilities and confidence in the workplace. Our mission is to equip young professionals with the interpersonal communication skills essential for individuals to succeed and businesses to thrive.

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