CPD Courses
"My Pumping Pathway”: Standardizing a Personalized Approach to Pumping for Practice and Research
Webinar • Medela Ag
About the CPD course
The first two postpartum weeks represent a critical window for achievement of secretory activation and the transition to autocrine/paracrine control of lactation. In otherwise healthy dyads the breastfeeding infant adapts sucking patterns to accommodate these lactation phases and in turn provides essential stimulation for milk synthesis. For NICU mothers the pump substitutes for the infant with respect to mammary gland stimulation and milk removal. This presentation introduces a novel evidence-based 2-part instrument - My Pumping Pathway - which links pumping behaviours to those used by the human infant during the first 1-2 postpartum weeks.
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Medela Ag
Medela Healthcare is a global manufacturer of medical vacuum solutions that are respected and trusted by doctors and healthcare professionals from around the world. Medela Healthcare seeks to improve the lives of patients, doctors and hospital staff through constant innovation and our passion to understand the challenges that patients and clinicians face in their daily lives. Life is precious and needs passionate people - like those at Medela - to provide progressive care.
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