CPD Courses

Nothing About Us Without Us: The What; Why and How of Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in Research

Online Course Medical and Healthcare Innovation CPD Unit, University of Southampton

About the CPD course

To ensure that research and its outcomes meets the needs of patients and public it is vital that they are included in its design and delivery. But how can we ensure that their involvement is meaningful? On this introductory; practical course – designed for and with patients; public and researchers – you will learn about the what; why and how of patient and public involvement and engagement. You will explore and reflect on the techniques for developing relationships to ensure the public voice is heard and has impact; understand common challenges; and learn how to develop and apply solutions to these challenges.

CPD Provider

Medical and Healthcare Innovation CPD Unit, University of Southampton

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Medical and Healthcare Innovation CPD Unit, University of Southampton

Medical and Healthcare Innovation CPD Unit, University of Southampton

The Medical & Healthcare Innovation CPD Unit is based in the School of Healthcare Enterprise & Innovation at the University of Southampton. We facilitate innovative medical and healthcare-related interdisciplinary CPD opportunities. Our portfolio of CPD opportunities is rooted in the cutting-edge of University of Southampton research and education, with an ongoing focus on reflective practice to reinforce impact and improve health outcomes. Our courses include material developed and presented by world class research academics and clinicians, opportunities to connect with professionals in related fields, and insights that will increase the impact you have in your professional life.

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