CPD Courses
HeadsUp! Year 6 - Understanding Our Feelings and Wellbeing
Training Course • MentalEdGroup
About the CPD course
The HeadsUp! initiative constitutes a stepped-care intervention meticulously designed to normalise our discussions in the classroom surrounding mental health literacy from an early age and proactively address mental health issues. Consisting of classroom-based lessons covering the theory of mental health; physical exercises; group discussion and collaboration; tips for students to identify their thoughts and feelings about mental well-being and mental health issues. This is not just a series of “off the shelf” lessons; but a journey. The programme uses unique culturally based characters to engage and encourage participation of students to be as impactful as possible in a school context.
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Health is our capital, both as individuals and as a society. We design preventive interventions for schools and businesses to normalise the discourse on mental health and educate this generation for the next. We help with the transformation from reactive health to pro-active health by using tailored tools that can be implemented in already existing work and education structures and systems.
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Training Course
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