About the CPD course
The likelihood of working with individuals who may lack some degree of mental capacity is; evidently; higher within health and social care settings. Therefore; understanding what it is; the legal issues relating to it; the practical matters it raises all require meaningful training. It is another example of what is typically a "dry taught" subject in which learners disengage. The MH SCTV approach brings it to life; enables it to be understood and inspires the health and social care worker to "get behind" the issues and work in ways that are in the best interests of those they deliver a service to such that their qualities of life are enhanced.
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Mulberry House Ltd
Social Care TV is the online arm of Mulberry House Ltd which has been providing highest quality video based training resources to the health and social care sector for over 20 years. We work with hundreds of thousands of health and social care customers across the UK. Ever-evolving, our platform is consistently updated, embracing new advances in technology and customer feedback and requirements.
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