CPD Courses

Engaging with Infants and Toddlers through Respectful and Peaceful Care Introduction to the Pikler® Approach Part 3

Training Course Pikler Loczy USA

About the CPD course

Inspired by Dr. Emmi Pikler’s ground-breaking Pedagogical Approach; we invite you to a 4-day (12-hour) course with Dr. Agnes Szanto-Feder; an actual Pikler baby who had an ongoing relationship with Dr. Pikler. She will share the importance of freedom of movement; observation; and providing a safe space that advocates autonomy for an infant through her years of experience and devotion to the Piklerian philosophy. Dr. Szanto-Feder found that the balance of the infant in their self-initiated gross motor development; and nurturing and caring relationships with their caregivers; are fundamental for the infant to reach their true potential and autonomy.

CPD Provider

Pikler Loczy USA

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Pikler Loczy USA

Pikler Loczy USA

Pikler Lóczy USA promotes respectful and harmonious relationships between the youngest child and the adult. Inspired by the Pikler Approach, our mission is to support the adult through service, training, and research in the USA and internationally.

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