About the CPD course
Self-confidence means trusting in your own judgement; capacities; and abilities. It is about valuing yourself and feeling worthy; regardless of any imperfections or what others may believe about you. Developing self-confidence is not something that happens overnight; or just because someone has told you to ‘be more confident’. Depending on your own self-confidence levels this can take a little or a lot of time. The session focusses on ‘your inner critic’ and ‘self-sabotage;’ these behaviours can have an impact on self-confidence. The objective is to get the attendees thinking about their own self-confidence and some challenges they may be wrestling with.
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Police Scotland
Police Scotland’s purpose is to improve the safety and wellbeing of people, places and communities in Scotland. This focuses on keeping people safe in line with our values of integrity, fairness and respect.
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