CPD Courses

Hospital Trauma Emergo exercises

Event UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

About the CPD course

An exercise for the initial response to a mass casualty incident from marauding terrorist attacks. It is a ‘hybrid’ simulation exercise of the receipt of a large number of casualties from the scene or scenes of a major incident. It contains key elements of several types of exercises: Simulation (live); Command Post; Communications; Orientation and Table-top exercises. It is not simply a 'test' of how the hospital functions in response to mass casualties but also provides a training opportunity for all participants. The exercise is designed to test plans; to train staff and to explore policies and procedures. The aim and objectives of the exercise provide the opportunity to train and familiarise the participants with the key response roles and processes without the disruption to activities that a live exercise would cause to normal working. The Emergo Train System (ETS) simulated casualties provide the foundation of the exercise; representing real-life injuries and conditions. This form of ‘hybrid’ exercises facilitates real-life conditions and pressures without the need for expensive role playing actors or to committing large scale operational assets.

CPD Provider

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

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UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is responsible for planning, preventing and responding to external health threats, and providing intellectual, scientific and operational leadership at national and local level, as well as on the global stage. UKHSA will ensure the nation can respond quickly and at greater scale to deal with pandemics and future threats. As a Category One responder under the Civil Contingencies Act, we provide Emergency Preparedness and Response Training and Exercises for our staff and external stakeholders. Attendance at some of our events are provided to third parties on a commercial basis subject to availability of places.

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