CPD Courses

Fundamentals of Design for Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete Structures

Online Course SegCorr

About the CPD course

Unlock the Secrets of Sustainable Infrastructure with the "Fundamentals of Design for Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete" Course. This course covers the fundamentals of cathodic protection design for steel in concrete structures and provides a foundation for the development of skills required for cathodic protection design. It is a fully interactive online course consisting of an introduction module followed by 10 individual training modules which include downloadable learning content and outcomes; video presentations; downloadable slide handouts; quizzes and downloadable course material. Enhance Your Expertise: Become a valued player in the movement towards responsible construction and maintenance.

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We provide specialist services for investigating, identifying, and managing corrosion-related deterioration of critical metallic and reinforced concrete infrastructure. ​ Our experienced and qualified corrosion staff are available to work with you, to develop sustainable, whole life and life extension solutions for your infrastructure.

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