About the CPD course
The HSE defines a confined space as ''any space of an enclosed nature where there is a risk of death or serious injury from hazardous substances or dangerous conditions; for example - lack of oxygen''. Every year; several people are killed or seriously injured in the UK due to accidents in confined spaces. This is often due to insufficient training and the lack of a safe system of work. This course will help you to recognise the hazards of confined space working and show you how to mitigate the risks and work safely.
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Skills Assurance
Our suite of solutions is for clients who need to demonstrate compliance and pass regulatory audits with ease. When clients are visited by regulators, our platform provides real-time visualization of certificates, learning and competency assurance to prevent costly work stoppages.
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Risk Assessment
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A risk assessment is a careful examination of your workplace to identify what may cause harm to you...
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