CPD Courses
Child Protection Refresher Training for Schools & Academies
Online Course • SSS Learning Ltd
About the CPD course
Legislation and statutory guidance plays an important role in determining best safeguarding practice. From September 2018 all staff in schools; academies and colleges are required to meet the revised 'Keeping children safe in education 2018' (KCSIE) and 'Working together to safeguard children 2018' and further statutory revised guidance documents as a minimum practice standard. By completing this course (which examines all the key legislative requirements in detail) staff will be fully updated on the new and revised standards; reassuring governance and leadership that practice is secure. Participants will also complete a case study to test the application of learning into practice.
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SSS Learning Ltd
SSS Learning Ltd create interactive on-line training and assessment resources for staff at Schools and Academies with particular emphasis on school improvement and governance.Want to learn more?
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