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TalkOut is the voice of Mental Health in the workplace and has one mission; to make it okay not to be okay in the workplace. Working hard to break the stigma around mental health in the workplace. Work plays an important part in our mental health and wellbeing TalkOut is the voice of Mental Health in the workplace and has one mission; to make it okay not to be okay in the workplace. Working hard to break the stigma around mental health in the workplace. TalkOut aims to disrupt the way mental health is viewed and encourage businesses to take the mental health of their employees just as seriously as their physical health to help people thrive at work. We pride ourselves on being personal and we will work with you to get to know your business. Everything we do will be tailored for your organisation and measured so we can promote good mental health and add commercial value to your business. TalkOut provides practical, workable and measurable initiatives through insight, consultancy and training. Our TalkOut team are passionate about change and are qualified in clinical psychology, psychological therapies, counselling and training. We turn this expertise into practical, workable and measurable initiatives for your organisation through insight, consultancy and training. With over 15 million sick days per year attributed to anxiety, stress and depression in the UK alone, it’s no surprise that businesses are starting to look more closely at the wellbeing of their employees. From initial conversations all the way through to implementing change, we’re here to help you drive positive mental health action in the workplace using practical solutions that are underpinned with research and clinical expertise.
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