About the CPD course
Questioning is one of the most important skills that those working with students need to develop. Far more than just an ability to ask questions; effective questioning is about understanding what type of question to ask at a given time for maximum impact. This session develops an understanding of the importance of questioning; examines some theoretical ideas around the topic; and looks at a wide range of different questioning exercises that can be employed with students.
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The Education People
The Education People is a one-stop shop for education services, to help you improve learning, wellbeing and children’s development. We support the full age range from early years to young adults, with over 800 products and services available specific to education needs always. Our people are here to support your people and ensure you receive a high quality product and get value for money. We already work with many education professionals, delivering services that have supported education settings to transform outcomes and the quality of education across Kent.
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