About the CPD course
This Introduction to PACE course has been designed to assist professionals; carers; and parents in understanding the origins of PACE within Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP). It aims to enhance comprehension of how developmental trauma affects the children with whom you live and work and provides guidance on how to support them most effectively through therapeutic parenting. The course acknowledges the challenges and triumphs you may encounter in parenting and reassures you that you are not alone. By trusting the journey alongside the child and yourself; it seeks to foster improved outcomes and brighter futures.
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Therapeutic Blueprint
Therapeutic Blueprint provides tailored services, including consultancy and training to improve the lives of looked after children living in residential care. We aim to teach professionals to understand and gain skills to be able to work with children who have experienced developmental trauma whilst also considering the impact that this can have on them. Thus, improving the lives of looked after children and the professionals caring for them.
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