CPD Courses
Supporting students with Tourette Syndrome in an Educational Provision
Training Course • Tourettes Action
About the CPD course
In this training; you will learn what Tourette Syndrome is; co-occurring conditions that accompany it; how it affects an individual; what the possible barriers to learning are and be left with many strategies to best support a student with TS.
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Tourettes Action
Tourette Syndrome is an inherited, neurological condition, the key features of which are tics, involuntary and uncontrollable sounds and movements. TS is a complex condition and a large number of people with the condition will also experience co-occurring features and conditions. At Tourettes Action, we provide support and research for people with Tourettes syndrome.
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Tourettes Action
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Tourettes Action
In this module; you will learn what Tourette Syndrome is; co-occurring features and differences that...
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Tourettes Action
In this module; you will learn what Tourette Syndrome is; including co-occurring features and differ...
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