About the CPD course
This course has been designed as an introduction to the new legislation; General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it becomes a compliancy requirement in both the EU and UK on May 25th 2018. It looks at what GDPR is and how it will change the way a business must collect; transfer and use personal information. The topics covered in the course are background to UK legislation; roles of the ‘Controller’ and ‘Processor’; what ‘data’ is; securing data; consent; GDPR rules for companies; ‘clear desk’ policy; 8 GDPR Rights for Individuals; 12-step guide to company compliance; enforcement; infringement and supervisory Authorities (SA’s).
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Online Training Courses & Certification in Health and Safety, Food Hygiene & Business. We offer online compliance solutions for organisations of all shapes and sizes looking to train their staff. Train4academy offers Level 1, 2 and 3 Food Hygiene Certificates that are Assured by a UK Awarding Body.
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