Learn how to reduce challenging behaviours with curiosity; compassion and connection. Recognise our own stress reaction to a childs behaviour. Understand what is really going on in a childs brain in these moments. These are centred around connection; relationship; building resilience and calm coping strategies. Supporting School staff to manage childrens moments of crisis more effectively. In this workshop Suzanne talks about her own lived experience in applying this model and evidences the change that it has made in her own life.
At TIP we offer workshops and support for parents, carers, teachers and anyone living or working with children with challenging behaviours due to trauma or ASN to apply a “trauma lens”. These parenting techniques are for all children. Not only children with trauma. In these workshops our aim is to improve mental health and wellbeing, change generational patterns of behaviour by giving parents and caregivers an awareness of the trauma informed approach and how we can reduce challenging behaviours with curiosity, calm and connection.