A comprehensive sensor-driven simulation platform enabling guided video tutorials: validated assessment and personalized feedback for competency training across fundamental and advanced airway management techniques: including: Needle and surgical cricothyroidotomy; Percutaneous tracheostomy; Double nasotracheal intubation; Bag-valve mask (BVM) ventilation techniques; Full range of supraglottic device insertion; Direct and video laryngoscopy: including the Sellick Manoeuvre; Awake fibre optic examination; Endotracheal tube insertion; Oesophageal intubation and correct jaw thrust technique; Combi tube insertion.
At TruCorp, we have developed an extensive array of training manikins for airway management, trauma response, ultrasound procedures, pediatric skills, and a suite of simulation applications. Our goal is to enhance educational outcomes and contribute to saving lives through continuous innovation.