CPD Courses

UhUb’s NHS Standards for Operatives Course

Online Course UhUb

About the CPD course

UhUb’s NHS Standards for Operative Course educates cleaning operatives within the cleaning industry on how to clean healthcare sites to the standard set by the NHS and Public Health England. It also explains the technical jargon used within healthcare cleaning and terms operatives must understand to work within healthcare cleaning.

CPD Provider


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One day we got together and realised that we all had the same main frustration. Training and Development always promised, usually paid for, but rarely properly delivered to cleaning staff in a way that truly makes a difference to them, the business, and the end client. We wanted to change that. Not just as a box ticking exercise during the tender process or a promise across the table, but in a way that genuinely allows workers to feel and do better, in quality of delivery, a feeling of social connection, and by providing real demonstrable recorded training that can lead to actual career progression. So UhUb was developed. In short it is our vision to improve the opportunities for those who often have none. All whilst benefiting the industry as a whole through information flow in a way which further strengthens opportunities to workers both within our Client Community and as part of our Social Impact ethos.

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