Online Course
University of Oxford, (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences)
About the CPD course
This self-paced online Course covers around 50 hours of practical aspects of brain MRI in the clinical setting through a combination of lectures; 3D interactive materials; tutorials and quizzes. The course is targeted at clinical trainees and other healthcare professionals keen to develop their understanding of: functionally-relevant surface anatomy and white matter bundles in pathological brains; how imaging sequences are interpreted to reach differential diagnoses in common neurological conditions; advanced MRI uses for clinical monitoring and decision-making; main interventional uses of MRI; including tractography-guided; endoscopic; ultrasound-guided and awake surgery; and psychiatric and neurodegenerative applications.
CPD Provider
University of Oxford, (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences)
University of Oxford, (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences)
NDCN builds on a long history of research in neurology, brain imaging, eye disorders, and anaesthetics in Oxford which has made major contributions to our understanding of how the brain works and to the development of treatments which have changed lives.