CPD Courses


See the latest Assisted Living & Homecare CPD courses from the Social Care industry

Showing 48 of 849 results

Assisted Living Homecare


Talent for Care

The program offers a support; personal and professional development opportunity to experienced clini...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Trusted Assessor

Disabled Living

A "Trusted Assessor" when trained will be able to assess for and prescribe a simple solution or a ba...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Train the trainer 2 day course to deliver awarenes...


This 2 day train the trainer course offers experienced local authority staff a comprehensive groundi...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Effective Communication with Children and Families

Me Learning

This inspiring course will help enable you to communicate effectively with children; young people an...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Degenerative Diseases: Understanding the Conditio...

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Outline some of the physical and psychological changes that can occur when a person has Motor Neuron...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Altura Learning United Kingdom

The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are designed to protect each individual’s basic right t...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) Support Network...

Spinal Injuries Association

To raise awareness on the physical/emotional effects and impact of spinal cord injury (SCI) on patie...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Carpet Care and Odour Control

Blueleaf Care

This carpet care and odour control webinar investigates why bad odours occur and what you can do to...
Assisted Living Homecare

Domestic Abuse Training for Educational Providers

The YOU Trust

The purpose of this workshop is to give learners an enhanced knowledge of domestic abuse and stalkin...
Assisted Living Homecare

Moving & Handling Update for Trainers and Assessor...

Disabled Living

The format and content of this training day reflects the latest information; equipment and professio...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Performance Management & Supervision

Hexagoncare Services

This session emphasises that for supervision to be effective; it must be located within an overall p...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Degenerative Diseases: Understanding the Conditio...

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Outline some of the physical and psychological changes that can occur when a person has Motor Neuron...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Tissue Viability: Pressure Injuries

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Define and describe types of pressure injuries; how they develop and are treated and; most important...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Adult Basic Life Support Level 2

Blue Stream Academy Ltd

This course prioritises supporting staff to have the confidence; knowledge; and skills to act when s...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Disability Awareness

Me Learning

Approximately one in five people in the UK have a disability. In this module; we investigate the cha...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Safe Medication Administration

Kinect Services

Safe medication administration training equips care workers with the knowledge; skills; and ethical...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Working with the Data Protection Act

Me Learning

The Data Protection Act 1998 has wide reaching implications for organisations all over the UK; cover...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Moving & Handling Children with Challenging Behavi...

Disabled Living

The workshop will cover information on conditions that cause challenging behaviour such as autism: p...
Assisted Living Homecare

Dementia: End Stage of Life

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Recognise and respond to the unique challenges that may be encountered when caring for a person with...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Basic Clinical Observations Training - Level 3

Interactive Healthcare Training

This course has been written to introduce its reader to the requirements and competency surrounding...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Basic Life Support Level 1

Blue Stream Academy Ltd

This course prioritises supporting staff to have the confidence; knowledge; and skills to act when s...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Epilepsy Medication Training Module


Provides staff with sufficient knowledge to enable the safe & effective administration of medicines...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Safeguarding Adults/Children and MCA/DoLS

Danforth Care Homes

The purpose of the Safeguarding Adults/ Children and MCA/DoLS training at Danforth Care Homes is des...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Kidz to Adultz Middle CPD Seminar Programme

Disabled Living

Kidz to Adultz Middle offers a full programme of free presentations covering CPD and hot topics and...
Assisted Living Homecare

Dementia: Engaging the Person in Meaningful Activi...

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Define meaningful activities and explore their role in maintaining the wellbeing of people living wi...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Urinary Continence Management

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Examine continence management and its importance in maintaining the dignity and comfort of the older...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Food Safety and Hygiene

Interactive Healthcare Training

This course aims to show the reader some of the key aspects of food safety and hygiene for Health &...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Falls: Balancing Risk

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Falls are one of the major causes of injury amongst older people and can have devastating consequenc...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna

Blue Stream Academy Ltd

This module gives information on the storage; preparation; supply and administration of the COVID-19...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Me Learning

Any organisation; of any size; and in any location can be seriously affected by bribery and corrupti...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

New to Care

Talent for Care

New to Care is an experiential learning and development program for healthcare support workers. Deli...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Agency Care Training Solutions Mandatory Care

Agency Care Training Solutions

This course has been structed to ensure health care workers are compliant with all their mandatory t...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Medication Theory and Practice

Danforth Care Homes

The purpose of the medication training at Danforth Care Homes is designed to educate senior employee...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Me Learning

This succinct and memorable course is split into four bite-sized modules. These cover: the Regulatio...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Kidz to Adultz South CPD Seminar Programme

Disabled Living

Kidz to Adultz South offers a full programme of free presentations covering CPD and hot topics and i...
Assisted Living Homecare

Use of Hearing Aids & Glasses

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Be able to list the key features of common equipment for hearing and vision loss. Ensure equipment i...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Medication Awareness and Dosage Calculation: An In...

Interactive Healthcare Training

A specialist course covering competencies required to administer medications effectively and safely....
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Falls: Minimising Risk

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Falls are one of the major causes of injury amongst older people and can have devastating consequenc...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Medical Oxygen

Blue Stream Academy Ltd

This module focuses on the administration of; and important information relating to the use of Medic...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Bipolar disorder awareness

Me Learning

This awareness course aims to provide essential insights into bipolar disorder; covering its definit...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Food Safety and Hygiene Essentials

Me Learning

Whether you work in food preparation; handling; or serving; it is essential that you understand the...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

One day awareness level training in autism


One day Awareness level training in autism for all social care and administrative staff at Solihull...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Whistleblowing & Promoting Transparency

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Whistleblowing enables and encourages staff to raise serious concerns over practices in the workplac...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Manual Handling

Interactive Healthcare Training

This online course provides essential information about manual handling hazards; their prevention an...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

LGBT: Promoting Inclusion and Awareness

Altura Learning United Kingdom

Explain how to provide appropriate and inclusive support to people who are lesbian; gay; bisexual an...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Paediatric Basic Life Support Level 2

Blue Stream Academy Ltd

This course prioritises supporting staff to have the confidence; knowledge; and skills to act when s...
Online Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Spinal Cord Injury and Autonomic Dysreflexia

Komplex Care

This course enables learners to be aware and understand the spinal column and spinal cord and all co...
Training Course
Assisted Living Homecare

Catheter care

Me Learning

Gain vital insights into catheter care's pivotal role in patient well-being. Learn to distinguish ca...
Online Course