The UKRPA is a trade association open to companies involved in detecting and dealing with meter tampering and illegal abstraction of electricity and gas. In addition to quarterly Forum meetings; we host further Seminars; Conferences and Workshops which draw delegates from across the energy industry; as well as those with an interest in the Revenue Protection and Metering space; together to discuss key aspects/issues/potential best practice/ collaboration opportunities. The next UKRPA Seminar is taking place on Wednesday 11th March 2020 and will focus on how Revenue Protection Units can assist their quality management and achievement of excellence; including: Understanding the current RP governance and compliance framework; and considerations within the Theft Strategy Review; Considering incentives and potential sanctions within the governance; Designing processes around the consumer; Ensuring a compliant process is delivered; Building effective audit and assurance frameworks; Delivering influential reporting and quality monitoring; Achieving compliance across multiple Suppliers; and Exploring case studies to encourage development of best practice. The full-day event will appeal to parties in the Revenue Protection industry who would like to ensure they are providing a high quality and compliant performance; including external Service Providers who manage multiple Suppliers.
CPD Provider
United Kingdom Revenue Protection Association - UKRPA
United Kingdom Revenue Protection Association - UKRPA
The UKRPA is a trade association open to companies involved in detecting and dealing with meter tampering and illegal abstraction of electricity and gas (generically known as Revenue Protection – RP) and providers of products and services to those companies. The UKRPA:
-Provides a Forum for exchange of information and discussion of matters of common interest related to Revenue Protection (RP) in order to benefit business activities
-Nominates representatives to represent interests on relevant groups discussing the development of the competitive market
-Acts as an interface to other representative organisations with an indirect interest in RP
-Promotes publicity and agreed activities in the collective interests of members, including an occasional national conference and promotes development, where practicable, of a common approach to issues of Training, Operating Procedures, Technical Developments and Liaison with Suppliers and other utility sectors.