BSI/AAMI International Medical Device Standards & Regulation Conference
03 Nov 2020
About the event
BSI and AAMI are hosting a virtual event that replaces our annual international medical device standards and regulation conference. Although condensed; it will feature a comprehensive programme covering key topics impacting global medical devices manufacturers; including keynote addresses from the UK Medicines & Healthcare Regulatory Agency and the UK Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch. Even with the extension being granted on the EU Medical Device Regulation adoption; there continues to be a huge amount going on in this sector; with this virtual conference across two days providing delegates with the opportunity to learn more; have their questions answered and issues explained.
BSI is your business improvement partner. We have shaped best practice for over 100 years, helping organisations around the world embed excellence, build competence and capability for sustainable growth. Founded at the very beginning of the 20th century, BSI was the world’s first National Standards Body. Our Royal Charter has shaped our priorities, and we use our unique position to develop solutions to pressing issues, locally and globally.