A wide range of 20/30/45 minute talks; free to attend; delivered by over 250 speakers that include education practitioners; EdTech experts and leading education organisations including the DfE; Nasen; The Connected Learning Centre; NAACE; COBIS; The Teacher Development Trust and the Safeguarding Alliance. The programme is developed to respond to the challenges facing Schools and Colleges and are based on research interviews undertaken with head teachers; senior leadership team; teachers; IT Directors and Managers. Attendees can choose from over 9 theatres delivering over 90 hours of talks and workshops over the course of three days.
Hyve UK Events organise exhibitions and conferences for a range of industry sectors. Some events are very broad in their appeal, others are focused, niche events. While there is a great deal of expertise throughout the group in the following areas, we're constantly researching new ideas for exhibitions in these and other sectors.