Change is a fact of life in all teams; organisations and countries. Leading change is vital and no matter what activities a Leader or Manager becomes involved in; from strategy implementation to making simple amendments to a work system; all of these activities require change leadership skills. Every time a Leader or Manager makes a decision; some type of change occurs. This GLOMACS Leading & Managing Change training course focuses on vital area of Leading Change; Organisational Culture and change; Organisational Development (OD) and Work Psychology. It is a unique course that provides guidelines on best practice; current best-practice and skills development in organisational change leadership.
GLOMACS Training and Consultancy was established in 2003 and had been operating regionally and internationally since its inception.
To date, we have successfully delivered training courses throughout Asia, North America, Europe, and Africa, and continue to grow each year, building on our success and in-depth knowledge of the needs of our clients. Our leading-edge training courses provide business professionals the skills they need to develop their competency, improve their performance, and drive business success.