CPD Events

Presenting and Pitching Skills

18 May 2022

About the event

Whether you are pitching to clients: reporting to stakeholders: summarising performance: or explaining your vision: this course will provide the key skills needed to present with confidence. The ability to present with impact is a highly sought-after skill. With the growth of data analysis and reporting: organisations are expecting their staff to be able to confidently deliver presentations and pitches. This trend: coupled with increasing demands on time: shorter attention spans: and more specialist roles means that presentation skills are critical more now than ever. With a focus on body language: delivery: confidence-building techniques: and engagement skills: the practical course will help you improve your communication skills and feel ready to present. Explore the principles behind giving great presentations and learn the secrets to clear communication: audience engagement and confidence: and self-belief. Throughout the training: delegates will be provided with opportunities to practice presentations and gain feedback on their presentation style.

CPD Provider

London School of Public Relations

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London School of Public Relations

London School of Public Relations

Founded in 1992, the London School of Public Relations (LSPR) is a training and business development organisation that provides support to numerous multinationals, SMEs and NGOs in the UK and globally. Our primary mission is to provide courses that explain how brands can build reputational capabilities that help organisations to stay competitive and take advantage of the growing importance of social influence and public relations in the changing nature of business.