CPD Events

SEO for Beginners

08 Aug 2022

About the event

The 1-day SEO for Beginners certificated course is designed to help you learn how to make improvements that boost website visibility and optimisation on search engines: attracting the right kind of traffic to the right areas on a website. Explore the basics of SEO: including reading a results page and conducting keyword research. Discover how to implement foundational optimisation strategies and techniques: build internal and external links: optimise your pages and content and measure your successes and progress.

CPD Provider

London School of Public Relations

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London School of Public Relations

London School of Public Relations

Founded in 1992, the London School of Public Relations (LSPR) is a training and business development organisation that provides support to numerous multinationals, SMEs and NGOs in the UK and globally. Our primary mission is to provide courses that explain how brands can build reputational capabilities that help organisations to stay competitive and take advantage of the growing importance of social influence and public relations in the changing nature of business.