CFO Mastermind is a by-invitation-only peer-to-peer network of the UK’s leading CFOs and finance professionals. All members are Heads of/FDs or above within large enterprise companies (min £500 mil turnover). Members are divided into smaller groups; specifically curated around their core priorities and key challenges. Our members use the shared knowledge and experience of the group to meet their individual business challenges and objectives. Members are invited on merit or referred by existing members. Applications for membership are subject to approval by our advisory board. Training topics are driven by our members to ensure maximum relevance.
CFO Mastermind is an exclusive peer-to-peer network of the UK’s leading CFOs and finance professionals. Our members use the shared knowledge and experience of the group to meet their individual business challenges and objectives.
Members are invited on merit or referred by existing members. Applications for membership are subject to approval by our advisory board.
Training topics are driven by our members to ensure maximum relevance.