CPD Events

Nurturing Bright Futures

07 Jun 2017

About the event

This event provides advice and guidance for education professionals working with sixth-form students; led by researchers and academics who are passionate about nurturing raw talent. Delegates will receive tips and advice on subject choice; admissions procedures and the latest UCAS updates. Throughout the three days there will be the opportunity to network with a range of academics; recruitment and admissions staff; as well as current students; to gain insight into UEA life and the University sector.

CPD Provider

Recruitment and Outreach Department - University of East Anglia

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Recruitment and Outreach Department - University of East Anglia

Recruitment and Outreach Department - University of East Anglia

The University's Recruitment and Outreach Department (RAO) engages with prospective students and their influencers to promote the benefits of higher education and studying at the University. RAO is responsible for providing higher education advice to potential applicants through our schools liaison and attendance at higher education fairs within the UK or the European Union. Delivery of exciting events for Astudents aged 14-19 including summer schools, subject courses and special university lectures. Organising an extensive range of outreach activities to raise aspirations and increase participation in higher education.