CPD Events

New York Build 2016

07 Mar 2016

About the event

The show features the most comprehensive conference and workshops program. A range of topic areas from construction regulation and major projects and upcoming contracts to sustainable building and the latest construction technology.

CPD Provider

Oliver Kinross

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Oliver Kinross

Oliver Kinross

Oliver Kinross organises the world's most innovative and global portfolio of built environment events (our signature 'BUILD' portfolio). The portfolio includes within it award winning exhibitions for New York, Chicago, London, Scotland, Sydney and Auckland. Oliver Kinross are market specialists in construction and our award winning event portfolio utilises a highly successful event format to deliver maximum value for our sponsors, exhibitors and attendees alike; the format incorporates the 3 key principles of: business networking, content and entertainment. In the years ahead Oliver Kinross plan to launch new shows in significant and/or high-growth construction markets around the world. Furthermore, Oliver Kinross will launch new data and content driven services for the construction industry aimed at delivering them competitive advantage in the global construction markets. This will be delivered through the establishment of one of the world's largest analytics and editorially driven construction databases and our highly dedicated in-house team of construction specialists.

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