A Practical Guide to applying and monitoring adherence to The Duty of Candour
15 Jun 2016
About the event
This conference will include an extended legal update and practical sessions focusing on training and supporting staff in disclosing unanticipated events in patient care; breaking bad news and improving communication skills in being open; developing and adopting an effective processes for ensuring candour and supporting staff; developing the new role of the 'Freedom to speak up Guardian' and understanding how adherence to the duty of candour can be monitored at an organisational level and by the Care Quality Commission.
Healthcare Conferences UK organises and produces high quality health and social care conferences and exhibitions with a specialist interest in a clinical audience. Our events take a practical approach to knowledge sharing and professional development and focus on improving quality, patient experience and outcomes. In December 2019 we won the ABPCO 2019 award for Best Agency Conference Organiser.