An Introduction to Service Design for Local Government
03 Jun 2018
About the event
An Introduction to Service Design for Local Government Local government services were designed for a different age for citizens with different expectations and for a different financial environment. Redesigning services with users and citizens at the core means that local government can gain a better understanding of the true impact of services people’s needs and how services can be delivered most effectively. Service design principles are gaining traction in central and local government alike and is well-used in the private sector but how can local politicians managers and strategists make the most of this discipline. This course will teach you the basics of service design where the skills will be useful in local government and how to get the most from in-house teams or external consultants. This will be an interactive session with plenty of opportunity for discussion and sharing experiences. We encourage you to bring potential challenges ready to discuss.
We are a membership organisation, providing information, research and other services to over 150 councils, trade unions, universities and other organisations. From housing to social care; from education to local economic growth; from supporting councillors and promoting local democracy to delivering inhouse training – the scope of the LGiU’s work is as broad as the remit of a local authority.