Being a practice manager is often a lonely position. This training is designed to provide you with practical advice; tools to handle the most difficult situations and the opportunity to discuss challenges and opportunities with others. The training covers all of the key areas and is a fantastic opportunity to bring yourself up to date in one day as opposed to attending multiple courses across multiple areas of discipline.
CPD Provider
The Institute of Legal Finance & Management - ILFM
The Institute of Legal Finance & Management - ILFM
The Institute of Legal Finance and Management (ILFM) is the UK’s leading membership organisation in the legal sector that provides a range of services designed exclusively for legal finance experts and legal management professionals, such as legal cashiers, accounts managers, COFA's and practice managers, as well as sole practitioners who deal with these roles.
By offering regular and industry-relevant training courses, regulatory information, a live chat support feature, and an industry magazine, the ILFM has become the ‘go to’ for thousands of leading professionals, including those considering a new career in the legal sector.