Putting physical development back into early years provision
21 Sep 2018
About the event
This event is designed to provide a specific focus on the physical development area of early learning. Putting physical development back into early years provision is designed to support you in developing your understanding of why this prime area of learning is of such fundamental importance to a child’s current development and future outcomes; and how you can both improve your provision in this area; and evidence your practice to Ofsted. Through an engaging mix of speakers presenting seminars and workshops; Putting physical development back into early years provision will ask key questions; challenge current thinking; and foster debate.
MA Education publishes specialist magazines and websites and produces a growing number of conferences and exhibitions for professionals working in early years, primary and secondary education and in children’s services.
MA Education’s fast-growing portfolio of publications and resources is widely respected among practitioners, teachers, academics and policymakers for its quality, insight and practicality.