How Diversity and Inclusion Benefits People in the Workplace

How Diversity and Inclusion Benefits People in the Workplace

08 Jun 2020

Events Together

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This informal CPD article on How Diversity and Inclusion Benefits People in the Workplace was provided by Events Together, a corporate event management consultancy – with a difference.

How Diversity and Inclusion Benefits People in the Workplace

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace is vital for all organisations to have. In recent years, a lot of progress has been made, but there are still steps that need to be taken to ensure all workplaces are inclusive for all! But just why is it so important? Of course, there are a number of reasons, but in this article, we’ll talk about one in particular: the benefits of diversity and inclusion for those in the workplace! When we speak about this topic, we might normally think of how it can benefit those such as women, LGBTQ, and BAME people. But a truly inclusive workplace has benefits for everyone, whoever they may be. Read on to find out some of the best benefits.

Different perspectives

When you hire a diverse range of people, from lots of backgrounds, genders, ethnicities, and so on, everyone can benefit from the unique perspectives this can bring. People who have lived a variety of different experiences will have many skills and thoughts to bring to the table. This will lead to more unique ideas, better creativity, and a more considered business strategy.

Everyone in the business will also benefit from being exposed to perspectives that aren’t their own. You never know what ideas you could hear that you’ve not thought of before. Nobody thinks in exactly the same way. So, introducing a ‘melting pot’ of ideas is a great way to learn from others and create a truly collaborative workplace.

Diversity and inclusion leads to a better employee turnover
Having a diverse, inclusive workplace is a great way to reduce employee turnover and hang on to those great members of staff for longer. But why is this the case?

An organisation with a truly diverse workforce is far more likely to be accepting of all employees, no matter their background, sexuality, or other characteristics. And, if an employee feels like they’re valued at work, and can be themselves without judgement, they’re far more likely to be happier at work. As a result, they’re less likely to leave for greener pastures! It’s a win-win situation for both employees and business owners. Employees feel happier, and employers can retain the staff that add value to their business.

More innovation leads to higher profits

Alongside different perspectives, true diversity and inclusion in the workplace can also lead to more innovation, with so many ideas being brought to the table. In fact, a study by Boston Consulting group discovered that organisations with diverse leadership teams reported a 19% higher revenue from innovation, compared to those who do not have diverse management.

So, the results are clear: diversity and inclusion in the workplace can benefit everyone, and not just on the level of people. It can have a real, positive impact on revenue and profits, too. This benefits everyone in the workplace, from the CEO down to part time employees.

As you can see, having a fully inclusive workplace can have so many benefits for people and the business as a whole. There really is no excuse not to make diversity and inclusion an integral part of your organisation! How could your business benefit from different perspectives, happier employees, better employee retention, more innovation, and higher profits? Well, all of that is within your reach with a proper diversity and inclusion strategy. How does your organisation create a workplace culture that celebrates diversity?

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