Advantages of the blended learning approach

Advantages of the blended learning approach

15 Sep 2022

CPD News Team

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Blended learning is the ability to use an array of learning environments to engage and interact with learners. These learning environments include lectures, face-to-face leaning, remote learning supervised online learning and discussion groups. This CPD article provides a brief overview of what a blended learning approach is, the advantages and disadvantages, as well as some blended learning activities / examples of a blended learning environment.

What is blended learning?

The way things are taught have changed over the past decade, particularly due to improvements and advances in learning technologies. There is increasing popularity in the use of online learning integrated with more traditional face-to-face classroom approach.

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, can be defined as a combination of traditional, classroom-based learning and independent online study. This form of learning helps gives students more flexibility to customise their learning experience. It can help people by using differing learning styles to make it easier to absorb information more effectively.

Blended learning advantages and disadvantages

Blended learning has a number of advantages and disadvantages for both students and teachers.

Advantages include:

  • Cost-efficient.
  • Access content from anywhere, anytime, and on any device.
  • Well-suited for large groups.
  • Instant feedback via online tests.
  • Students can work at their own pace.
  • Teachers can personalize lessons for students.

Disadvantages include:

  • Lack of motivation can affect some students.
  • A lack of direct contact with teachers and other learners could affect some learners abilities to find support and ask for help to develop their understanding.
  • Some learners struggle with using online materials, and may not be able to find solutions by themselves. Students with different levels of digital knowledge may not find technology-based learning as accessible.
  • Some learning materials may be difficult to access.
Benefits of a blended learning approach

Examples of blended learning activities

There are several different examples of blended learning environments, which included flipped classroom, station rotation, remote, project-based, outside in and self-blend. We have outlined three of the most popular examples below.

1. Flipped Classroom learning

Flipped classroom blended learning uses a variation of a face-to-face teacher guided learning on a given subject initially, followed by modules that can be completed remotely by themselves online. Students are also able to re-watch previous lessons on demand.

2. Station Rotation

Station rotation is another form of blended learning that allows students to follow a calendar that rotates and takes the student through the various learning environments. These environments would include face-to-face lesson’s, online learning, written assignments, and group discussions.

3. Remote blended learning

Lastly another type of blended learning is remote. This is a less structured approach, focused predominantly on learning through assignments and online coursework. Attendance at face to face lessons is only occasional if necessary.

Where to find blended learning CPD courses?

The CPD Courses Catalogue offers a wide range of courses to help professionals gain the necessary skills needed in their industry, and many of these are appropriate for blended learning. All the courses shown on our website and catalogue have been reviewed by our Assessments team as suitable for ongoing Continuing Professional Development requirements.

How to become a CPD accredited training provider?

We hope this article was helpful. The CPD Certification Service is the world’s leading and largest CPD accreditation organisation, with over 25 years’ experience supporting CPD providers across all industry sectors.

If you are considering becoming a CPD accredited training provider, please contact our team to discuss in more detail. Alternatively if you are looking to record your own personal CPD learning, please go to the myCPD Portal where you can manage, track and log your learning in one simple place.

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