How Artificial Intelligence Drives Innovation in Public Release Writing and Media Relations

How Artificial Intelligence Drives Innovation in Public Release Writing and Media Relations

22 Jan 2024

London School of Public Relations

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This informal CPD article, ‘How Artificial Intelligence Drives Innovation in Public Release Writing and Media Relations’, was provided by the London School of Public Relations (LSPR), a training and business development organisation that offers support to numerous multinationals, SMEs and NGOs in the UK and globally.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing press release writing and media relations in groundbreaking ways. From automated drafting to optimized distribution and enhanced analytics, AI tools are transforming core public relations workflows. These technologies enable greater efficiency and precision, but also pose risks if applied without human oversight. This article explores how brands can leverage AI to connect with audiences and press in more meaningful ways, while underscoring why strategic human creativity remains vital.

Harnessing AI to Enhance Press Release Discoverability and Visibility

AI offers public relations writing the combined power of human creativity and machine computation to advance press release discoverability and reach. Artificial intelligence presents promising opportunities to optimize press releases for improved search engine visibility and discovery by media professionals and other target audiences. AI analytic tools can evaluate elements such as keyword usage, headlines, formatting, and structure to generate releases engineered for maximum findability. 

Emerging AI may even have the capability to dynamically construct press release content and layouts tailored to specific reader groups, moving beyond the conventional subtitles, quotes, and different sections. However, the clarity and focus provided by time-tested press release formatting conventions remain vitally important. PR experts should direct these AI writing assistants, applying your innate communication instincts and narrative experience together with AI's data-driven recommendations.

Optimized AI-assisted press releases can achieve better media pick-up, inbound links, and SEO performance. AI can also smartly match related images and videos to boost engagement.

Freeing PR Experts to Focus on Strategy by Automating Press Release Drafting and Research

On top of optimizing discoverability, artificial intelligence also streamlines more tedious parts of press release creation, including early research and formatting. This liberates public relations specialists to concentrate their talents on vital strategic messaging, brand positioning and nurturing media relationships.

Some advanced AI writing assistants take over initial press release drafting entirely before handing off to PR experts for brand alignment, messaging finesse and finalization. Others rapidly formulate customized drafts with just a few initial keywords. In either case, AI handles the basic assembling of information, statistics, quotes and announcements.

By relieving PR pros of routine writing and research tasks, AI enables greater focus on high-level branding, ideation and relationship building with press contacts. The technology handles the groundwork while specialists provide the finishing touches on positioning, style and tactical communication. Together, AI and humans form an efficient press release creation pipeline.

AI-Powered Media Targeting for More Personalized and Effective Pitches

Artificial intelligence unlocks game-changing data capabilities for media relations, enabling more selective and personalized press release targeting. By rapidly processing massive datasets, AI systems can pinpoint the most relevant journalists, outlets and audiences for any given announcement.

Rather than broadly blasting every release, brands can now use AI-generated insights to craft aligned pitches for particular writers and publications. This analysis also allows further tailoring messaging to resonate with certain reporter beats, interests and previous coverage. Enabled by AI's computational speed at scale, targeting specific media contacts tends to achieve significantly higher engagement over spray and pray techniques. The data also suggests follow-up angles or related announcements to re-engage press contacts through nurtured storytelling.

The end result is more meaningful brand-journalist relationships through AI unlocking an unprecedented degree of media targeting precision and personalization. While reaching wider audiences, announcements also feel more human. It's a winning combination for improved media relations.

Aggregating volumes of earned media coverage

Driving More Precise Publicity Impact Analysis Through AI

In the past, media monitoring and publicity measurement involved manual tracking of articles, a highly tedious and time-consuming process. Now, artificial intelligence is revolutionizing these analytics by automatically aggregating volumes of earned media coverage spanning print, online, broadcast and social. This saves substantial manual search effort.

Additionally, automatic language processing can extract key data from coverage for sophisticated results analysis on message pull-through, potential reach, sentiment, interests, and more. Rather than rough approximations, brands can leverage AI for precise quantitative publicity metrics. These data-driven insights allow brands to optimize future press announcements and media outreach approaches, improving performance over time. The rich analytics also clearly demonstrate public relations’ concrete impact on business goals.

So, while PR has traditionally dealt with vague awareness, AI empowers brands to reliably measure and drive tangible results. By revolutionizing media monitoring and competitive benchmarking, AI is advancing PR from an art towards a science.

Blending AI Efficiency With Human Creativity and Judgement in Public Relations

As artificial intelligence takes over repetitive press release writing and research tasks, the creative strategy behind impactful communications remains distinctly human. PR professionals should embrace AI tools not as replacements, but as collaborators towards amplifying reach and value.

While machines far excel in computational abilities, human specialists contribute intuitive emotional intelligence, branding instincts and communication judgement cultivated through years of experience. We guide what messages resonate in which format for which audience and outlet. Rather than handing over unchecked control, PR teams combine our uniquely human creativity, culture and strategic perspective with AI’s efficient data-powered drafting and targeting. This balances automation with purpose, harmonizing technological prowess with a rich human touch.

By consciously integrating automation as part of the process instead of the driver, public relations retains its heart while advancing its scale and impact. Together, creative humans and artificial intelligence achieve unprecedented strategic influence.

Understanding the Risks of Fully Automated AI Press Releases

While artificial intelligence enables more efficient drafting and distribution, fully automated press release writing also poses challenges. Machine-generated content often lacks the nuanced style, positioning and strategic messaging crafted by experienced communications experts. Press releases serve as vital introductions between brands and publics - misrepresenting an organization or product risks credibility.

Additionally, even wide media dissemination lacks impact without thoughtful relationship building between brands and journalists, an innately human quality difficult to automate. One-to-one trust remains essential for impactful coverage. Rather than handing complete control to algorithms, PR teams should thoughtfully guide AI tools as part of their process. Much like autopilot on planes, autowriting on press releases requires ongoing human supervision.

The most effective press relations balance efficient AI drafting with specialist oversight ensuring optimal positioning and relationship management. While transformative, unchecked AI adoption may inadvertently dilute a brand’s unique voice. By understanding these inherent limitations alongside the advantages, PR professionals can safely shape AI tools for enhanced reach while retaining that vital human touch. We must steer integration to amplify media impact, not undermine our profession’s core strengths.

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