Integrating ICT into Teacher Education

Integrating ICT into Teacher Education

13 Apr 2021

Asian College Of Teachers

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This informal CPD article on Integrating ICT into Teacher Education was provided by the Asian College Of Teachers, an award winning teacher training institution offering a range comprehensive preprimary teacher training courses in Asia.

Teachers play a crucial role in teaching-learning context and research shows that over the past decades, teachers have resorted to different tools, created innovative models and employed strategies to improve their teaching skills. ICT (Information and Communications Technology) has made a significant contribution in bringing reforms in the teaching and learning process in all areas of education including teacher education. ICT has played a vital role in bolstering new instructional methods and has changed the face of learning with self-paced courses, live online classes, online discussions etc.

Today, educators are faced with several challenges of preparing the smart, tech-savvy young learners of the current generation, also known as Generation Z and Generation Alpha, by integrating ICT into their curriculum and learning methodologies; and it really helps a lot when these very teachers have been trained in the same manner where ICT has been integrated into teacher education and they are fully aware how to follow this in their classrooms. Coming to talk about ICT, it is like an ocean. Integrating ICT into teacher education pertains to many things.

As an internationally recognized teacher training institute, one can organize various elements of training with the aid of ICT:

  • Course content & training materials
  • Innovative teaching methods
  • LMS for delivering teacher training
  • Facilitate professional development via webinars 

Since online and live online learning have now become the norm in almost every education institute for providing education and training to its learners, top teacher training institutes offering online learning option are integrating ICT into their training, using it to enhance richness and quality of teacher education. This has been proved in studies conducted throughout the years. The LMS or the Learning Management System that these institutes provide their trainees while pursuing their course online is at par with the global standards. User-friendly in all possible ways, the learning system provides the learners seamless learning experience that they can use from the comfort of their homes, without having to experience the hassle of travelling to attend classroom training. This allows more and more educators to access better training materials from around the globe, without setting any geographical limitations. Trainees, who could not afford the best education due to cost and their location, now get them at quite affordable fees. Therefore, teaching enthusiasts even from the remotest corner of the globe can get access to better training just with an internet facility. Online study materials, power points, videos, research papers, journals, blogs and discussion forums including web conferencing are some of the ICT features prominent in today’s teacher training approaches.

According to the 1998 UNESCO World Education Report, certain points must be considered before integrating new ICTs to improve learning process:

  • Students and teachers must have sufficient access to digital technologies and the Internet in their classrooms, schools and teacher training colleges
  • High-quality, relevant and culturally responsive digital content must be provided to teachers
  • Teachers must have the expertise to use the new digital tools and resources to help all students achieve high academic standards.

Therefore, to have a strong future for the young learners, integrating ICT into teacher education certainly helps the teachers with their goal of building a student-friendly learning experience.

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Asian College Of Teachers

Asian College Of Teachers

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