Mindful Together: 7 Strategies for Enhancing Team Well-Being During Mental Health Awareness Month

Mindful Together: 7 Strategies for Enhancing Team Well-Being During Mental Health Awareness Month

04 Jun 2024

iGROW CorpHealth

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This informal CPD article, 'Mindful Together: 7 Strategies for Enhancing Team Well-Being during Mental Health Awareness Month’, was provided by iGROW CorpHealth, partnering with Corporates to drive Employee Engagement through Holistic Health Solutions.

We celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month in May every year, a critical time to prioritize mental well-being in the workplace. By openly addressing mental well-being and offering resources to employees, organizations can reap significant benefits, fostering a happier, healthier, and more productive work environment.

This article explores seven impactful strategies aimed at enhancing team well-being and creating a supportive environment for all team members. From mood check-ins to themed relaxation corners, each strategy plays a vital role in promoting emotional awareness, stress reduction, and mindfulness among team members.

By implementing these initiatives throughout the year, with a focused push during Mental Health Awareness Month, organizations can create a culture of care and compassion where everyone feels valued and supported.

1. Mood Meter Check-In

Benefit: Regular mood check-ins can lead to giant leaps in team communication, empathy, and overall workplace well-being. It's a small investment with a big return on happiness and productivity.

Implementation Tips:

  • Start meetings with a mood meter check-in to normalize sharing feelings.
  • Encourage managers to discuss mood trends during one-on-ones, offering support where needed.
  • Integrate mood tracking with wellness initiatives and/or employee engagement surveys, using data to tailor support programs

2. Guided Meditation Sessions

Benefit: Meditation fosters self-awareness and empathy, leading to better communication and collaboration within teams and improved conflict resolution skills.

Implementation Tips:

  • Schedule weekly meditation sessions and send calendar invites to ensure participation.
  • Use a quiet, comfortable room to conduct sessions, making it a designated meditation space.
  • Offer introductory sessions to meditation to help newcomers feel welcome.
  • Share links to recommended guided meditation apps or YouTube channels for personal use.

3. Wellness Seminars

Benefit: Seminars can educate employees about mental health topics like stress management, mindfulness, resilience, and emotional intelligence. This knowledge and awareness empower individuals to identify and address mental health challenges effectively.

Implementation Tips:

  • Plan wellness seminars during lunch hours or as part of professional development days.
  • Invite guest speakers or subject matter experts to present on topics related to mental health and well-being.
  • Provide opportunities for employees to ask questions and engage in discussions during seminars.
  • Offer resources or handouts for further reading or self-reflection after each seminar.
  • Gather feedback from employees to continually improve and tailor future seminar topics to their needs and interests.

4. Quiet Spaces

Benefit: Open-plan offices often come with noise distractions, hindering focus and productivity. Quiet spaces provide an escape from noise and chatter, allowing employees to concentrate deeply on tasks requiring focused attention.

Implementation Tips:

  • Identify areas in the office and designate them as quiet spaces.
  • Provide comfortable seating, soft lighting, and noise-canceling features to create a calming environment.
  • Establish clear guidelines for quiet space usage, such as no talking or phone calls, to ensure a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Encourage employees to use quiet spaces for focused work or relaxation during breaks.
  • Regularly assess and adjust the layout and amenities of quiet spaces based on employee feedback and usage patterns.

5. Mental Health Screenings

Benefit: Mental health screenings help identify and address underlying concerns that may impact employee engagement and morale.

Implementation Tips:

  • Provide access to online mental health screening tools and resources through the company intranet or employee assistance program.
  • Promote mental health screenings as part of the organization's commitment to employee well-being and support.
  • Offer guidance on interpreting screening results and accessing appropriate support or resources for further evaluation or assistance.
  • Encourage regular mental health check-ins and destigmatize seeking help for mental health concerns within the workplace culture.

6. Laughter Yoga Sessions:

Benefit: Engaging in laughter yoga provides employees with an immediate and accessible tool for relaxation during hectic workdays.

Implementation Tips:

  • Schedule laughter yoga sessions during designated wellness or stress relief events.
  • Hire certified laughter yoga instructors or provide training for employees interested in leading sessions.
  • Create a lighthearted and playful atmosphere to encourage participation and laughter.
  • Incorporate laughter yoga exercises into team-building activities or icebreaker sessions to promote bonding and camaraderie.
  • Emphasize the physical and emotional benefits of laughter yoga, such as stress reduction and improved mood.

7. Themed Relaxation Corners

Benefit: Themed relaxation corners provide employees with dedicated spaces to unwind, promoting stress reduction and mental well-being.

Implementation Tips:

  • Rotate relaxation corner themes regularly to keep the space fresh and engaging.
  • Provide comfortable seating, ambient lighting, and calming decor elements corresponding to each theme.
  • Incorporate sensory elements such as soothing scents, sounds, or tactile materials to enhance relaxation.
  • Offer relaxation corner activities or resources related to each theme, such as mindfulness exercises, guided meditations, or stress-relief tools.
  • Encourage employees to take short breaks and visit relaxation corners throughout the day to recharge and unwind.


Although we observe Mental Health Awareness month in May, efforts to improve our mental well-being are ongoing. Let's prioritize mental well-being and support one another on our journeys towards greater health and happiness. By implementing these initiatives, organizations can create a culture of care and compassion where everyone feels valued and supported.

We hope this article was helpful. For more information from iGROW CorpHealth, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively, you can go to the CPD Industry Hubs for more articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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iGROW CorpHealth

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