Remote Working, Upskilling and Mental Well-Being: The Future of The Workplace

Remote Working, Upskilling and Mental Well-Being: The Future of The Workplace

06 Nov 2023

This informal CPD article, ‘Remote Working, Upskilling and Mental Well-Being: The Future of The Workplace‘, was provided by keySkillset, a muscle memory building educational platform to master Excel, PowerPoint, Python Coding, Financial Modelling skills and more.

In the ever-evolving landscape of remote work and digital transformation, organizations face the dual challenge of upskilling their workforce while safeguarding employee well-being. Remote work is becoming a permanent fixture for many companies, demanding adaptation and innovation.

Why Adapt to the Future of Work?

The Global Workforce of the Future report highlights a concerning state of mental health in workplaces across generations and genders. However, employees feel their companies are not adequately addressing these concerns. Key statistics underscore the urgency:

  • 25% of workers report worsened mental health in the past year.
  • 50% of those with declining mental health fear burnout.
  • Almost 40% of employees have suffered from burnout.
  • 25% have taken career breaks due to burnout.
  • Less than 50% feel their companies effectively address mental health issues.

A Pearson Global Learners survey of 5,000 workers across five countries revealed that 32% reported no mental health support or initiatives provided by their employers.

Work-Related Stress Factors

Mental health issues often emerge due to various stress factors:

  • Workload: Reduced working hours are desired by 58% of non-office workers and 71% of desk workers, with some advocating for 4-day workweeks.
  • Flexible Working: Younger generations and managers highly value flexible working hours.
  • Financial Concerns: Rising living costs, inflation, and broader concerns like climate change and conflict add to employees' financial stress.

Why Employees Prioritize Work Over Mental Well-Being?

Here, we will mention some reasons why employees may still be prioritizing work over mental well-being.

  • Financial Concerns: Although flexible work options are highly prized, only 30% of non-desk workers would take a pay cut to reduce their hours, and over half are considering a second job to cope with rising expenses. On the contrary, 54% of office workers are already working fewer hours or contemplating a pay cut for better work-life balance.
  • Career Progression and Training: The report highlights a lack of training opportunities, with 2 in 10 desk workers and 3 in 10 non-desk workers never having had career progression conversations. This deficit comes at a time when many workers fear job displacement due to AI and technology, creating uncertainty about their skill sets.

While salary remains the top reason employees quit, it ranks lower in what keeps them loyal to their current employer. Employees prioritize happiness, stability, work-life balance, colleagues, and flexibility. So, how can team leaders create environments that retain their staff happily engaged? Empathy and learning opportunities play pivotal roles.

Managers increasingly recognize the value of empathy, but it's not always easy to cultivate. It requires understanding and embracing others while maintaining self-awareness. 360-degree appraisals can help managers identify areas where they need to improve their empathy. Empowering employees by involving them in decision-making and encouraging ideas and innovation can combat disengagement. Customized plans for each team member, regular praise, team-building activities, and a focus on learning and development contribute to a healthier work environment.

Design flexible co-working spaces

The Future of the Workplace

1. The Emergence of Hybrid Work Models

The hybrid work model, where employees split their time between remote and in-office work, is gaining traction. Microsoft's "hybrid workplace" strategy allows employees to work remotely for up to 50% of their time. To succeed in a hybrid model:

  • Invest in online communication tools and project management software
  • Establish clear expectations and guidelines for remote work.
  • Schedule regular team meetings and virtual social events to maintain engagement.

2. Spotlight on Employee Well-being

Remote work has emphasized the paramount importance of employee well-being. A study by the American Psychological Association found that 70% of employees experienced increased stress levels during the pandemic.

3. Rethinking the Role of Office Spaces

As remote work gains prominence, companies must reimagine physical office spaces. For instance, REI sold its corporate headquarters in 2020 and opted for smaller satellite offices. To adapt office spaces effectively:

  • Design flexible co-working spaces that encourage in-person collaboration.
  • Invest in virtual reality meeting rooms to connect remote team members seamlessly.
  • Organize remote team-building activities to foster a sense of community.

4. Embracing Global Talent Pools

Remote work enables businesses to tap into global talent pools. To harness this opportunity:

  • Develop comprehensive onboarding processes tailored for remote employees.
  • Establish remote work policies accommodating diverse time zones and cultural nuances.
  • Utilize communication tools that facilitate collaboration among team members worldwide. 

5. Upskilling and Reskilling Employees

Amid the transition to remote work, upskilling and reskilling employees to meet new business requirements is a top priority for CHROs and CEOs. To empower the workforce:

  • Offer online courses and workshops through digital learning platforms.
  • Launch mentorship programs, pairing experienced employees with less-experienced counterparts.
  • Foster collaboration on projects and create opportunities for skill-sharing.

6. Prioritizing Employee Well-being

Organizations must prioritize employee well-being as a cornerstone of their unique selling proposition. Key action items include:

  • Providing flexible work hours to accommodate personal schedules.
  • Implementing routine check-ins and encouraging open conversations about mental health.
  • Offering access to mental health resources, including online counseling or meditation apps.

Enhancing Employee Experience While Working Remotely

Innovation has played a pivotal role in enhancing employee experience during remote work. Virtual water cooler conversations, team-building activities, and digital happy hours have emerged as essential tools. Organizations are also hyper-personalizing HR services to cater to individual employee needs.


The transformation of the global workforce, accelerated by the pandemic, has brought remote work and upskilling to the forefront of organizational priorities. Successful organizations have embraced agility and empathy, designing policies that address the challenges of remote work and digital transformation. Employee well-being is recognized as a critical component of corporate policy, essential for building an outstanding and resilient workforce. This holistic approach to remote work, upskilling, and well-being is indeed the future of work, and it is already here.

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